TAC4 Solutions

Healthy Teams, Successful Projects®


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Executive Strategy

We know that getting your people to work together is one of the most draining aspects of running your business. TAC₄ Solutions has tools that can dramatically improve the buy-in from your staff as you make tough decisions to better run your company.

To determine your specific needs, TAC₄ Solutions can help you identify the causes of CEO exhaustion and lack of unified engagement of your staff.

Contact TAC₄ Solutions to find out how you can eliminate organization noise, guide every decision, motivate staff, and clarify communication around what is most important.

Project Management

Projects are a norm in business. They are the method of process improvement. With projects so crucial to the life of an organization, it is important to running successful projects. And yet research shows that 70% of projects fail! When projects fail, not only does the business struggle to move forward, we often resort to blame and behaviors that break trust across departments.

TAC₄ Solutions can help you pinpoint the root causes that your projects fail, and we can reset the project and the project team to be able to create success and build trust.

Organizational Health

Our course offerings are designed to  deeply unify management teams and engage staff. The outcomes include:

Building cohesive, vulnerable teams

Clearly defined organizational values

Determining a roadmap for success

Your team will develop a clear identity  and direction. The overarching result of this powerful course will be to create deep trust among teams and provide a strong structure for maintaining a solutions-oriented culture. This will allow growth and improved profitability.

Nine Ground Rules for Cohesive Team Behavior®

Creating more cohesive teams is the goal of our Nine Ground Rules for Cohesive Team Behavior® online course.  The Ground Rules online course offering is a fundamental step to helping you increase success in three categories: mindset change, behavior change, and implementing new habits. 

Choose Your Course

Sign up for a TAC4 Solutions Course and begin to transform your business.


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